The EQUAL PROTECTION & EQUAL JUSTICE ACT is Florida's model abolition bill, written by an abolitionist.
The EPEJ Act provides EQUAL PROTECTION and EQUAL JUSTICE for Florida's preborn population.
EQUAL PROTECTION from the instant of conception.
EQUAL JUSTICE through equal application of Florida's existing homicide laws.
It is that simple. If we truly believe that life begins at conception, we MUST provide equal protection and equal justice from that moment.
The EQUAL PROTECTION & EQUAL JUSTICE Act establishes new legal definitions of "person," "preborn child," "conception," and "abortifacient."
The EPEJ Act supersedes the abortion chapter of Florida Statutes (ch 390) in its entirety; and adds in new criminal language confirming that abortion is illegal and that crimes against the preborn will be prosecuted equally with crimes against postborn humans.You can download and print a copy of the EQUAL PROTECTION & EQUAL JUSTICE ACT to show your House Representative and State Senator. It will give him or her an idea of what the EPEJ Act hopes to accomplish. The EPEJ Act is available in editable format upon request.
The KEY components of any TRUE abolitionist bill are as follows:
1) A true abolitionist bill abolishes ALL abortion from conception, without exception. Period. No heartbeat qualifiers, no pain-capability tests, nobody arguing about viability, and no exceptions for rape, incest, health or life of the mother (the EQUAL PROTECTION & EQUAL JUSTICE Act absolutely does NOT prevent emergency medical treatment for a miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy, or life-threatening condition! It just says you can't intentionally kill the baby in order to treat the mom). No exceptions means NO exceptions. WE ARE NOT ALLOWED TO INTENTIONALLY KILL POST-BIRTH HUMANS, AND WE SHOULD NOT BE ALLOWED TO INTENTIONALLY KILL PREBORN HUMANS! A human life hangs in the balance.
2) An abolition bill criminalizes ALL crimes against the preborn equally with those against the postborn. Not a civil suit, not a misdemeanor, not a lesser felony than any other murder, not a slap on the wrist, but equal justice -- the same protection for preborn crime victims that we give to already-born crime victims.
3) The EQUAL PROTECTION & EQUAL JUSTICE ACT outlaws the purchase or sale of abortion drugs as a life felony and abortifacients (all hormonal birth control, IUDs, emergency contraceptives such as Plan B, etc.) as 1st-degree felony, with prison sentences and/or severe fines. This is because in the case of the tiniest and newest human beings, it is unlikely that we can gather evidence sufficient to prove that a homicide has been committed, so we must prosecute the purchase or sale of abortifacients themselves. But we must do so vigorously in order to be effective.
4) An abolition bill prosecutes ALL parties according to their level of involvement - principal, accomplice, accessory, etc. Imagine a woman hiring a hit man to kill her husband. She could be charged with murder, solicitation and/or conspiracy, and the hitman might be charged with capital murder. The person who drove her to pay the hitman might be charged as an accomplice, and the person who helped her bury the body might be an accessory after the fact. Abortion murder would be treated like ALL OTHER murders, with mitigating or aggravating factors taken into consideration by the prosecuting attorney, judge and jury.
5) An abolition bill nullifies every law or court ruling that dares to demand we allow the murder of children. It declares as null, void and of no effect any laws, rulings, court opinions, policies, or treaties that allow for the murder of human beings, or prevents the state of Florida from protecting every human life. This is critical. Florida cannot abolish abortion if we bow down to the US Supreme Court or the federal government. We have a God-given right to life and a God-given duty to protect life. When rulers attempt to subvert that right and/or that duty, we must obey God rather than man. The EQUAL PROTECTION & EQUAL JUSTICE ACT declares that Florida will not back down, and will not even bother to make a court appearance in any tribunal that would attempt to sue the state! The EPEJ Act warns that any federal officials who step foot inside Florida to try to interfere with the Act are subject to arrest for false imprisonment!
6) Provides severe penalties, including fines and removal from office where possible, for any state officials who refuse or fail to enforce the EQUAL PROTECTION & EQUAL JUSTICE Act.